Our products

Certified products
HEI Eco Technology™

True to our watchword "Rethinking the Future©" and our vision to commercialize new innovative offerings, DTI-Communications© offers products that are at the cutting edge of technology in their field, providing our customers with benefits and important commercial differentiation.

Based on our criteria we selected an autonomous urban furniture solution powered by a unique photovoltaic module capturing solar energy and complemented with hybrid and on grid versions and manufactured in Europe.

We offer different annual maintenance services contracts for the products we sell in street lighting to private and government customers to optimize the functioning of the facilities in time.

Our autonomous solar urban furniture products on solar energy provide autonomous, aesthetic and creative solutions in an urban landscape to improve night visibility and security in an environmentally and economically way.

We are the partner of the company HEI Eco Technology© for Switzerland since 2011and we offer these products in different countries and international projects. The company HEI Eco Technology© is based in Vienna and was established in 2001 by Dr. Dieter Hornbachner. Its main activity lies in research and development and its application in advanced products including clean and renewable energies. It is in this context that the products from HEI Eco Technology © have won numerous awards for their design, technological advances and unique photovoltaic module patented worldwide.

Our autonomous solar urban furniture
  • Solar Billboard

    The Solar AD stand© solar poster holder range is at the forefront of...

  • Solar Pole

    The Solar AD pole© range of advertising solar masts is at the...

  • Solar Light

    The Antares© range of luminaires is at the forefront of the market...


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